Sponge and Sparkle Buckhead Brookhaven Atlanta House Cleaning Service

Buckhead, Brookhaven, Chamblee, North Atlanta Cleaning News

Why it is so important in life to make time for fun?
Sniffling, sneezing and watery eyes are all common symptoms of allergies that more than 50 millions American’s experience every year. Seeing as the average person spends...
These 5 Simple Cleaning Tips Will Give You An Allergy-Free Home
Sniffling, sneezing and watery eyes are all common symptoms of allergies that more than 50 millions American’s experience every year. Seeing as the average person spends...
Now that school is out, and summer is almost officially here, you probably need Sponge and Sparkle more than ever!
Now that school is out, and summer is almost officially here, you probably need Sponge and Sparkle more than ever! “IF YOU LOVE LIFE...
How to have a happier summer with your mate
Did you know that 50% of couples argue about house work? It is a big source of conflict between people. Usually one (the woman) will end up doing most of the house work and...
Mothers Day is just a couple of weeks around the corner
Have you thought about what would be the perfect gift for the person who raised you, nurtured you, taught you, loved you, and is always the one who is there for you? Since...
One more reason Sponge and Sparkle is committed to green cleaning!
According to a scientific study published by The Independent regular use of cleaning sprays (once a week or more) or other cleaning products...