Sponge and Sparkle Buckhead Brookhaven Atlanta House Cleaning Service

Buckhead, Brookhaven, Chamblee, North Atlanta Cleaning News

Cleanliness is Next to Happiness
I am a sucker for pithy quotes, especially if I can relate them to cleaning. Here is a favorite, courtesy of Samuel Johnson: To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise...
7 Ways to Reduce Water Use | Atlanta House Cleaning Blog
Clean, safe water is a necessity that many parts of the world lack. 1.1 billion people do not have access to clean water and 2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least...
5 Ways to Clear Kitchen Clutter
The kitchen is best known as the gathering place of the home. With all of that gathering going on, clutter is sure to happen. You can clear kitchen clutter by following these helpful tips...
4 Ways to Reduce Your Energy Use | Atlanta House Cleaning Blog
April is Earth Month, a time when we commemorate our achievements in protecting the planet and pledge to do what we can to protect it for...
13 Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Quick, Cleaning Tips
Spray a bit of perfume on light bulbs to create a lovely scent when the light is turned on. Polish jewelry by popping 2 Alka Seltzer tablets into a glass of water and immersing the jewelry for...
The Shocking Reason 46 Percent of Couples Fight
In a hardworking world with minimal free time, cleaning the house is one of those relationship stresses that can turn into an elephant overnight! Many of our clients know...