post holiday cleaning

5 Post-Holiday Cleaning Tips to Get Your Home Sparkling Again

The holidays may be over, but the post-holiday clean-up is just beginning! After all the festivities, you'll want your home looking and feeling like new again. To help you with the post-holiday clean-up, we have put together 5 essential post-holiday cleaning tips that will get your home sparkling again. With these tips, you'll have your home looking and feeling great in no time!

1) Don't Wait - Start Cleaning as Soon as Possible

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning up after the holiday season, don't wait - get started as soon as possible. Post-holiday clean-up can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be.

2) Make a Plan

- Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to do. This could include anything from tidying up decorations to scrubbing the bathroom. Writing everything down will help you keep track of what needs to be done.

- Divide the list into manageable sections. Maybe one day can be dedicated to tidying up decorations, another for cleaning the kitchen, etc. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done.

- Gather the cleaning supplies you will need in one place. This could include sponges, mops, cleaning solutions, and other items. This will save you time since you won't have to hunt around for things while you're in the middle of cleaning.

- Set a timeline for when each task should be completed. If there are some tasks that are more urgent than others, it might be wise to prioritize those first.

- Ask family members or friends to help out if possible. Having extra hands around can make the post-holiday clean-up much faster and easier.

3) Focus on One Room at a Time

- Don't try to clean the entire house all at once. Focus on one room at a time, so you can feel like you are making progress instead of becoming overwhelmed.

- Set a timer. Give yourself a certain amount of time to work in each room, such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes. This will help keep you focused and motivated to get the job done.

- Reward yourself. Once you have finished cleaning a room, reward yourself with something small like a cup of coffee or a piece of candy. This will help motivate you to keep going and finish the job!

4) Put Away Any Holiday Decorations

- Start with taking down any lights and garlands. Carefully detach these from the walls, windows, and other places they were attached. Make sure to store the lights properly in a safe place so you can use them again next year.

- Put away any ornaments and decorations carefully. Wrap each ornament in tissue paper and store them in boxes or bags. You can also label each box or bag so you know which ornaments are stored where.

- If you have artificial trees, take them down and store them in their original boxes. Make sure to use extra packing material for added protection.

- When it comes to living trees, make sure to remove all of the decorations first. Once the tree is stripped of all ornaments, wrap it in plastic or a tarp and move it outdoors. You may want to mulch the tree after it has dried out, depending on the type of tree you had.

- Lastly, vacuum up any leftover pine needles that are still scattered around your home.

5) Schedule a Detailed Home Cleaning with Sponge & Sparkle

There’s nothing worse than spending your holiday season enjoying family and friends, only to be faced with a huge mess once they’re gone. Scheduling a detailed home cleaning with Sponge & Sparkle is the best way to get your home sparkling again after the holidays.

If you reside in Atlanta, Georgia, or nearby areas, contact us today at (404) 633-9652 or book online to make your post-holiday clean-up quick and hassle-free.

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